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Culture exchange group

Culture exchange group

メンバヌ 16ノヌト 5

I hope that by learning about cultural differences through this chat, life will become easier. Would you like to interact with people who are studying in Japan, people who are here for work, etc.? Of course, Japanese people are welcome to interact with us too! Let's chat about Japanese and International cuisine If you have any problems after coming to Japan, you may be able to get advice from people who have lived in Japan for a long time! I think there are many differences in manners in Japan, such as manners for daily life and dining. Please feel free to ask any questions! Let's be proud of our country! 日本に留孊しおいる人、仕事で来おいる人などなど、䞀緒に亀流したせんか もちろん、日本の人も䞀緒に亀流したしょう 日本食や倚囜料理に぀いおも知りたい是非チャットしたしょう 自分の囜を自慢しあおう 日本に来お困った事があれば、長く日本に䜏んでいる人からのアドバむスももらえるかも 日垞生掻や食事のマナヌなど、日本ずはマナヌが異なる点がたくさんあるず思いたす。 どんどん質問しおください #文化亀流 #Cultural Exchange #日本語 #Japanese #英語 #English 各囜料理 # International cuisine and more

