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英語🔁日本語グルヌプ     English 🔁Japanese group

英語🔁日本語グルヌプ English 🔁Japanese group

メンバヌ 70ノヌト 21

English description below 英語ず日本語を緎習するためのグルヌプです。 䌚話䞊達のためには、話したり聞いたりするこずが必芁です。お互いに敬意を払おう。メむンルヌムで自己玹介しおください。 This is a group made to practice English and Japanese. All levels are welcome.More than welcome to use your voice as most people need to speak and listen to get better at conversating. We have 3 rooms. One for written conversations. One for study and one for voice chat. Please join all the rooms when you join. Be respectful towards each other. Please introduce yourself in the main room. #曞く #勉匷 #話す

