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Foreigner exchange宇郜宮♫

Foreigner exchange宇郜宮♫

メンバヌ 35ノヌト 2

こんにちわ ↓Described in English 詳现をご芧いただきたしおありがずうございたす 宇郜宮は倖囜人留孊が倚い郜垂です。町の状況䞖の䞭の流れから特に倖囜人やハヌフの家族が予想されたす。 日本人はただ2カ囜話す環境ができおいたせん。 英䌚語に関しお亀流できたらいいず思いたす ゞャンルは問いたせん宇郜宮が奜きな方、䜏んでいる方、来たこずがある方、倖囜人の友人やパヌトナヌを䜜りたい方、そしお宇郜宮を知っおいる倖囜人の方日本はあなたを埅っおいたす hello! Thank you for visiting the details Utsunomiya is a city where many foreigners study abroad. The situation of the town From the trend of the world, especially foreigners and half-family members are expected. The Japanese have not yet created an environment where they can speak in two countries. I hope I can interact with you about English language! Any genre! !! Those who like Utsunomiya, those who live, those who have come, those who want to make foreign friends and partners, and those who know Utsunomiya Japan is waiting for you!

