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這是個提供大家靠北的社團 🤫均為暱稱不用擔心抱怨的後果 我們是一個團體,請給予抱怨著一個贊同 💥相信大家都對教育都有所怨言 讓我們一起對抗大教育體制 In the future, most careers will become automated. So the people who succeed will have to be Curious, Innovative, Resilient to adapt to new changes. But the focus in school is on regurgitating information and test taking. However, in today's world, Creativity is the most important leadership skill. So pretty soon, no one will be hired because of what they know~~we have Google. These robotic tasks we learned in school, should stop. No one can do a robot's job better than a robot. We shouldn't compete with artificial intelligence,but instead focus on developing unique human intelligence. 🫠歡迎使用記事本讓大家也能為你的想法點讚

