🕹洛克人 X DiVE International Station(XDIS)
X DiVE International Station for Player-San from any country who love this game. X DiVE國際交流站,歡迎所有喜歡這遊戲的國際玩家 Administrators well be ”Mediator“ to solve conflict problems.管理者會以“調解者”的身分處理衝突。 🌐Free Language🌐:you can use your home language to chat, if you want/need to contact with Player-San from different country, try english or their language.(if you need to complain someone’s behavior, pls use english(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 可以用各自的母語溝通 🚔Worning:警告🚔 ☢️Respect the Mediator and Judgment☢️ 尊重管理員與調解者 🚫 Don’t Pretend Administrator or Mediator, to force or threat other Player-San 禁止假冒管理者去要求或恐嚇其他玩家 🚫No Cyberbully 禁止網路霸凌 🚫No Discrimination(country、race...) 禁止歧視性的行為 🚫No Verbal Attack or Hating( pls discuss rationally) 禁止言語攻擊與仇恨言論(請理性討論) 🚫No Salty Words 禁止酸言酸語(以當事人感覺為主) ⚠️ Harassing other Player-San(“ Mediator” well negotiate with both confirm true or just friend playing.) 騷擾其他玩家(會確認是否好友嬉戲) ⚖️Worning and negotiate befor kick, everyone has a bad time, pls give a chance to talk. but not for haters.⚖️ 踢之前會先警告與溝通